To put your mind to rest, let’s answer your query first. Can your dog eat dried pineapple: Yes, it can.
Should you feed your dog dried pineapple? Meh!
Let’s translate this into human lingo. Can you have a chocolate fudge pastry for breakfast every day? Of course, you can. Should you? Not if you don’t want to replace your entire wardrobe with clothes from the plus-size store.
Pineapple is a majestic fruit on its own: stands tall, wears a crown, and erupts in sugary syrup in the middle. In fact, the pineapple was such a novelty in the seventeenth century that King Charles had a portrait of this fruit made with him.
Then why do we wish to keep this royal fruit away from your no-less regal dog companion? A few pointers to assure you that we are very much on your side:
Table of Contents
Is Dried Pineapple Safe for Dogs?
1. Slow sugar poison
Pineapple is a fruit that is rich in fructose, glucose, and sucrose; all-natural sugars that can play havoc on your dog’s blood sugar. It is especially a slow poison for dogs that are prone to diabetes.
Dry it up, and this poison loses its slowness and can fasten your dog’s journey to judgment day. When the pineapple is dried, it loses its water content and moisture. What it does not lose is its natural sugar content.
So the same piece of fruit now has higher sugar content. If it is not given to your dog in moderation, his blood sugar can shoot through the roof.
2. Weight woes
Even if your dog is not particularly prone to diabetes, dried pineapple in excess can cause significant weight gain. Obesity in dogs, just like humans, can make them sluggish and low in energy.
Seems like there is a lot you are putting on the line, considering their much healthier options among even dried fruits available for you to treat your dog with.
3. The digestive predicament
Not all dogs take a shine to pineapple as a fruit in general and dried pineapple in particular. You have to start feeding your dog dried pineapple by introducing it to him with a small bite. If your dog reacts adversely to it or develops any allergic reaction, take him immediately to the vet.
Some dogs also develop stomach sensitivity with dried pineapple, even in moderation. They may suffer from diarrhea, which may aggravate dehydration.
(On that note, we will like to squeeze in a small reminder: if your dog is particularly sensitive in matters of his dietary requirements, it is also advisable to get pet insurance. This will help you manage the monthly bills, in case there are to be frequent visits to the veterinary doctor.)
4. Give it as God made it
If your dog does in fact have a craving for dried pineapple (that is, you were stupid enough to introduce it and use it excessively during the positive reinforcement training), it is best to go natural.
Cut your pineapple into small, bite-sized pieces and dry them up in the sun. This is way better than buying dried pineapples from over the counter at the mall. This is because these market-bought dried pineapples contain added artificial sweeteners, flavors, and preservatives.
Some of these contents can also prove toxic to the dog. Case in point is xylitol, which is an additional sweetener in foods aimed at human consumption. Since it is mentioned in the ingredients in minuscule letters, you may not even think twice about it. However, even in small quantities, it can prove toxic for dogs.
It is better not to risk your dog’s health with hidden contents that may or may not find mention on the bottle label.
5. Pineapple positives
Yes, we understand that pineapple is full of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Manganese, iron, copper, calcium, folate, phosphorus, etc, etc, etc….Not to mention the huge fiber content that can really clear up your dog’s intestinal tracts.
If it is so important for you to feed your dog pineapple, we advise you to do so in its natural form, with its 86% water content still intact. This can have an excellent hydration effect on your dog, especially on those hot days when the sun is the least merciful.
However restrict this pineapple treat to the soft, fleshy part of this fruit only. The outer skin or inner hardcore can lead to a choking hazard for your dog.
Summing Up
Do not feed your dog dried pineapple if you can help it. If not, keep it at less than 10% of the dietary calorie intake and not as a daily treat. For healthier sugary treats, check out our articles on cottage cheese and coconut yogurt as awesome treats for your doggy friends\soul mates.