Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe Rind?

In this scorching summer, some refreshing fruits like lemon, honeydew, or watermelon can cool and hydrate a dog well. Now, if you have got a pet dog and you are thinking of giving it a refreshed feel with the summer fruits, this article is for you. Cantaloupe is an excellent treat for dogs, but is it safe with rinds?

Being cautious early is better than running for a cure later on. So, if you are in the mood to feed your dog some kinds of summer fruits, you must take certain precautions. One such fruit is cantaloupe. This fruit is though beneficial for dogs to consume. Still, there are certain limitations to it.

Is eating cantaloupe beneficial for dogs?

Yes! It offers numerous nutritional benefits beyond your imagination. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, magnesium, thiamine, niacin, fiber, pantothenic acid, and folic acid.

The cellular aging of dogs and the onset of various diseases can be prevented by certain substances present in the cantaloupe, such as vitamin A and vitamin C. They act as antioxidants. Consumption of cantaloupe helps to fight constipation and dehydration in dogs. Its low-calorie content and high-water content make it a tasty way to rehydrate the body without adding body weight.

The high water and fiber content in cantaloupe strengthen the digestive system of dogs. It helps maintain the nervous system, red blood cells, and overall good health of your dog!

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Is it safe for dogs to eat cantaloupe with rinds?

Though cantaloupe is not toxic for your dog, the rinds are! It shouldn’t be considered a regular snack for your dog. Rinds are very hard to swallow and digest. Multiple digestive issues can occur because of eating too many rinds. Also, it is very tough and waxy, which makes it difficult to chew.

The possible gastrointestinal tract issues resulting from the consumption of cantaloupe rinds can also damage bowel movement. The toughness of the rind may also cause a choking hazard for your pet. With that in mind, it is safe to say that no, your dog absolutely cannot risk eating rinds!

How to serve cantaloupe safely?

You must feed cantaloupe to your dog by cutting it and preparing it just as you would do it for yourself. You need to remove the rind first and later deseed by opening it up. Cut it up in small edible chunks.

One way is offering a small piece from a fruit salad. You can also freeze a small chunk in ice and hydrate it as a summer treat. Also, you can dehydrate it and serve it as an easy dried fruit snack.

Just as human beings must consume fast foods occasionally to be healthy, dogs must be served cantaloupe as a special treat and not any regular meal.

The skin or peels of cantaloupe must be avoided while feeding the pet. Constipation and blockage of intestinal passage can result from the hard peel.

Certain fruits contain cyanide in their seeds. For instance, peaches, cherries, and apples have cyanide in their seeds. One must remove the seeds before feeding the pet. On top of that, a high amount of sugar in the cantaloupe may affect your dog’s health, especially if he has diabetes.

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And remember, don’t consider cantaloupe as a regular treat for your dog, and even if you do, it should be 10% of the overall daily diet. Lastly, always serve cantaloupe in control.

What to do if your dog eaten cantaloupe rinds?

Please do not panic after your dog has eaten rinds. Most probably, you’ll see your pet go through gastrointestinal issues such as stomach ache, vomiting, or a bowel movement disorder. Not feeding in moderation can give your dog diarrhea. Also, feeding cantaloupe daily can lead to canine obesity. You may notice changes in your pet’s stool consistency. However, these symptoms should not stay longer than 24 hours, but if they do, make sure you visit the vet.

Summing Up,

Please keep your dog cheerful with every treat they eat. Don’t miss out on cantaloupe’s nutritional benefits, but also take precautions before serving it to your dog. Remember to make sure it is free from rinds at all costs and follow the proper ways to feed them.

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